Medicines For Life? There Has To Be A Better Way

Do you:

● Suffer from any medical conditions such as migraines, indigestion, raised blood cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, anxiety or depression?

● Feel you have you had enough of being prescribed medications, and further medications to deal with the side effects of the original medication(s)?

● Feel there must be a better way of living than continually “putting-out fires” in terms of your health rather than eliminating disease by tackling the root causes and not the symptoms.

To achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle rest assured that the pharmaceutical industry is in no way your best friend. This is an industry which openly admits that it is not in their best financial interests to produce medicines that actually cure diseases. On the contrary, it is in their long-term interest to develop drugs that by acting symptomatically, results in the recipient taking these products long-term if not for life.

The financial interests of these powerful companies are reflected in their respective self-serving annual turn-over and profit and from consideration of the incredible yearly per capita spending on pharmaceuticals in Western nations. Industrial production of pharmaceuticals is polluting the environment and endangering animal and human lives. This industry carries out a vast number of cruel and unnecessary animal experiments each year. Their pharmaceuticals, used for a wide range of chronic (long-term) conditions, are merely suppressing the symptoms of an underlying imbalance and often carry side effects worse than the original condition. (see Pharma Truths)

We will examine the underlying causes of a multitude of disorders and outline the medications prescribed for these along with the potential associated damaging side effects. Using the natural and powerful effects of a predominantly plant- based nutrition combined with stress-management techniques we will show you how to:

● Eliminate the need for toxic pharmaceuticals

● Live the healthy and balanced life that you deserve

● Save money

● Protect the environment and animal life from the toxic effect of pharmaceuticals and their by-products

Our Mission: “To show you easy, natural and inexpensive ways to prevent and treat a multitude of health conditions without the need for pharmaceuticals”

We particularly welcome feedback so please feel free to share your views through leaving a comment or emailing me. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our next blog article – TBC