natural ways to healthy dehydration

As the first of our articles on natural ways to achieve healthy hydration, we’ll look at dehydration in general and then consider ways to recognise a number of signs that you are in fact dehydrated.

Healthy hydration of the body is absolutely a cornerstone of health and well-being. Dehydration, in its chronic form, will adversely affect your level of energy and, often, your mental well-being. It will also, in time, predispose you to a number of conditions, including:

Heartburn – significant improvement in the misery and discomfort heartburn can be achieved with solely an increase in water intake.

● Depression – chronic dehydration may underlie fear, anxiety, insecurity and the onset of depression, as the water requirements of the brain tissue are not being met.

High blood cholesterol – the production of cholesterol within every human cell membrane is a vital part of the cell survival system. It is an essential necessary substance. The excessive presence of cholesterol within the blood is indicative of bodily chronic dehydration.

Type 2 diabetes – this condition has been linked brain water deficiency to the point that neurotransmitter systems—particularly the serotonergic system— are adversely affected. In the presence of chronic dehydration, the adaptive physiology of the brain is such that it automatically begins to upgrade the glucose threshold in order to maintain its own volume and energy requirements.

These are examples of conditions that may be prevented or resolved by a significant increase in water uptake. The benefits from the aspects of maintaining natural health and circumventing the need for pharmaceuticals are all too apparent.

It is all too apparent from studies that many individuals consume inadequate amounts of water and are chronically dehydrated – it is estimated that up to 75% of adult Americans are chronically dehydrated!

So, to attempt to address this appalling situation, lets look at ways to recognise the presence of dehydration – know thine enemy!

Ways to recognise dehydration – 8 telltale signs you are dehydrated


The sensation of thirst is the basic mechanism of the body resulting in a craving for drinkable fluids as an essential part maintaining essential fluid balance.

It results from dehydration coupled with an increase in bodily concentrations of such minerals as sodium.

It is crucial to note that when you experience thirst – you are already mildly dehydrated. The goal is to maintain fluid intake throughout the day so you do not experience thirst.

Frequent headaches

ways to recognise dehydration

If you are suffering from unusually frequent headaches of varying severity your first considerations should be am I drinking enough water and what are the natural ways to healthy hydration. There is a very strong link between dehydration and headaches.

The exact mechanisms of this link are uncertain, however it would seem that some people are more susceptible than others.

Studies have shown that, additionally, increasing water intake may reduce headache severity, duration and frequency in those suffering from migraines.

Reduced output of urine and dark-coloured urine

If you are dehydrated there will be a resultant lower frequency of urination (as the body conserves water) and your urine will a much darker colour than the ideal pale straw-yellow colour.

This is a strong indicator of dehydration.

Heart palpitations

natural ways to healthy hydration

Being dehydrated can affect the whole body and heart health is not an exception. This may present as cardiac symptoms such as irregular heart beat or palpitations.

Dry skin, decreased skin elasticity, and cracked lips

Your skin condition is a very good indicator as to whether or not you are dehydrated. This is particularly so with dry lips and skin.

Another effect of dehydration on the skin is manifested as reduced elasticity of the skin. You can determine if this is the case from a simple test:

• The skin turgor test – grasp the skin of your abdomen or lower arm between to fingers for 10 seconds and then release. If your skin is normal it will return to its original state immediately, if you are dehydrated it will remain in a raised position before gradually returning to normal.


Dehydration is associated with feelings of dizziness and light-headedness – this is particularly the case when you stand up from a seated position (particularly if you do it quickly).

This termed orthostatic hypotension and results, in this situation, from a reduced blood volume.

Altered mental state with mental confusion

Being water deficient can adversely affect brain function with a resultant inability to concentrate. This deficiency can also affect short term memory and mood.

When dehydration is more serious it may be manifested as an altered mental state with associated confusion and anger.


natural ways to healthy hydration

Dehydration may lead you to feel more tired than you would usually be. This is because a lack of water will compromise your natural sleep-wake cycles, resulting in sleep of shorter duration. By contrast, studies have found that healthy levels of hydration are associated with longer (healthier) periods of sleep.

Dehydration will also accelerate the onset of tiredness during exercise, and increase the recovery time.

So, you’ve now found that you are almost certainly dehydrated – what are the best natural ways to healthy hydration? Be sure to check out our forthcoming blog article on this crucial topic.

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Natural ways to healthy hydration – how do I know I am dehydrated?

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