natural ways to treat a fever

A fever may result from a bacterial or viral infection – this is the body’s attack on the infection, as part of the immune response, by raising the body’s core temperature to neutralize the causative microbes. The importance of using natural ways to treat a fever in contrast to resorting to medications is that it is imperative to merely treat the symptoms of a fever without compromising the body’s defence systems.

What not to do – taking over-the-counter or prescription medications

For the reason of preferable symptomatic treatment, it makes a lot of sense to avoid over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medicines as they will interfere with the body’s natural mechanisms which are a natural and protective response to infection. A fever will run its course naturally – the danger with using synthetic chemicals is that by suppressing the immune response is that this may well prolong the infection.

What are the symptoms of a fever?

Depending on the specific infection causing the fever the associated raised body temperature may range from 99°F to in excess of 103°F.

In addition to the raised body temperature there may be the following common symptoms:

• Body chills

• Extreme sweating



• Aching muscles

• Tiredness

• Loss of appetite

So, let’s look at natural alternatives to the chemical offerings of the pharmaceutical industry – gentle ways to effectively soothe the symptoms of a fever.

Natural ways to treat a fever – nature’s herbal pharmacy

We’ll now look at the wonderful therapeutic characteristics of many herbs as natural ways to treat a fever – either by soothing the symptoms or by fighting the infection itself.

Honey ginger tea

Ginger is a powerful source of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties – all of which may act to offer amazing symptomatic relief the miseries of a fever. In combination with honey – with its potent antimicrobial properties – this delicious and soothing tea is wonderfully therapeutic.

To prepare:

• Add 1 teaspoon of grated ginger to boiled water

• Steep for 5 minutes

• Strain & add a teaspoon of honey

• Drink this delicious tea twice daily

Kudzu root

Kudzu root is an herb that has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine and is noted for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown that kudzu root is naturally effective in treating fever. – you can obtain it in powder or liquid extract forms.


This tropical plant boasts a rich content of minerals, vitamins, antioxidant and antimicrobial agents therefore bestowing many nutritional and natural health benefits. This bark of this plant has been shown to be effective at substantially reducing fevers.


natural ways to treat a fever

The therapeutic qualities of this wonderful herb have long been known – it contains a plethora of active plant compounds which give it antiviral properties. These are effective in the prevention and treatment of viral infections and associated fever.


Oregano is a particularly potent herb that is known for its amazing medicinal and therapeutic properties.  Oregano contains the active plant compound carvacrol which is recognised as a potent antiviral agent – this herb is therefore effective in treating fevers.


Sage is another aromatic herb that has long been used within traditional medicine as a treatment for viral infections – for this reason it is effective at easing the symptoms of a fever.

Turmeric and Ginger Extract

Turmeric is an incredibly potent herb, possessing pronounced antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

This root is a potent agent for treating viral infections and associated fever, particularly when mixed with another effective herbal agent – in this case ginger root – grate these roots and boil in water for a potent decoction.


This spice exhibits potent antiviral characteristics – primarily through the phytochemical trans-anethole. This in addition to boosting the immune system has the result of allowing the body to heal more quickly and thereby ridding it of fever.

Other natural ways to treat a fever – gentle and effective

Taking a lukewarm bath

The value of a lukewarm bath – be careful not to make it too cool – cannot be overstated. This acts by gently reducing the symptoms of a fever while relaxing the body’s muscles.

Maintaining good hydration

natural ways to treat a fever

Given that a fever is the primary symptom of the body increasing its temperature during an infection, it is associated with sweating related fluid loss. This is the body’s attempt to cool itself down, however it may lead to dehydration.

For this reason, it is important to replace lost fluids during a fever. Water is the obvious choice however the following will also provide good hydration:

• Fruit juices

• Sports drinks

• Soups

• Decaffeinated tea

It is particularly important to avoid drinks containing caffeine – for example teas, coffees and many fizzy drinks – as caffeine, being a diuretic, will contribute to dehydration.

Allow your body to fight the fever – get plenty of rest

The symptoms of a fever are a surefire sign that your body is effectively waging a war to banish the infection.

You can do the best for your body by resting as much as possible thereby conserving energy. Top tips for this include the following:

• During the day – take it slow and easy and rest as much as possible

• Try to get at least 7 hours sleep during the night

• Avoid exercise – even though it may be part of your daily routine – this kind of exertion may cause your body temperature to rise further

Staying cool

A very practical way of dealing with the symptoms of fever is to surround your body with cooler temperatures. It is important to not create an environment that is too cold – if this happens you will shiver (which may worsen your fever). – a sign to stop what you are doing immediately.

Ways of achieving cool temperatures include the following:

• Sitting in a bath of lukewarm water (see above)

• Wearing light and loose clothing

• Drinking copious cool → room temperature water

• Using a fan

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Natural ways to treat a fever – turning down the heat?

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