natural ways to treat dry scalp

If you are suffering from the persistent itching and soreness of a dry scalp and wish to avoid medicated treatments, help is at hand – we’ll show you number of inexpensive and natural ways to treat dry scalp.

Dry scalp may be related to underlying medical conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, however it is most commonly caused by such simple triggers as a change in the weather, underlying dehydration and a reaction to synthetic chemicals within hair care products. First, let’s look at the conventional medical approaches to this condition.

Conventional treatment of dry scalp – ignoring root causes?

As with the majority of medical treatments, these adopt the approach of suppressing the symptoms without addressing the underlying causes – these include the following:

• Medicated shampoos

• Topical medications aimed at slowing down any excess production of skin cells

• Corticosteroids to inhibit scaling and itchiness of the scalp

• Phototherapy with ultraviolet (UV) light to dampen any inflammation

• Immunosuppressants (such as apremilast) – used in more extreme cases – this one will have a general effect throughout the body as it is suppressing the immune system – marvelous!

Once again better to go down the natural route – to this end let’s look at natural ways to treat dry scalp which aim to tackle underlying causes and avoid harsh chemicals and unnecessary pharmaceuticals.

Natural ways to treat dry scalp – hydrating and moisturizing as you go!

Drinking more water

The first thing you need to do if you suffer from dry scalp is to honestly assess just how much water you are drinking each day.

If you are at all dehydrated, it may manifest as a dryness of your skin and scalp. An adequate intake of water is essential to good health in general including that of the skin and scalp.

Be sure to drink at least the recommended 8 glasses of water a day – if this becomes your routine you will notice an improvement in the quality of your skin, scalp and hair.

Coconut oil

natural ways to treat dry scalp

Coconut oil is noted for its skin health benefits – it combines moisturizing qualities with antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

As a treatment for dry scalp, massage into your dry scalp a tablespoon of coconut oil at least 10 minutes prior to taking a shower.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil in addition to moisturizing qualities also boasts antiseptic properties/

Tea tree oil is found in a multitude of commercial products however your best bet is to make your own natural (and synthetic additive free) preparation for applying to your dry scalp. To do this mix a few drops of tree oil to a carrier oil, such as jojoba or olive oil, massage this into your scalp and leave for 10 minutes before rinsing out.

Aloe vera

The gel from the aloe vera plant has a number of properties that relate to the treatment of a dry scalp – these include being a very effective moisturizer and containing anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce any skin irritation.

Apple cider vinegar

Once again, we return to our old friend apple cider vinegar. This wonderful natural therapeutic agent has antimicrobial properties – this can help eliminate microbes which may be causing the itchiness of dry scalp. Apple cider vinegar is additionally anti-inflammatory and may assist in helpful scalp exfoliation.

To use, mix 2 parts of water to 1 part apple cider vinegar and massage this into the scalp. After 5 minutes rinse off.

Witch hazel

Witch hazel has been used in herbal medicine as an effective treatment for dry and sensitive skin. As shown in a 2014 study, its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties will decrease the irritation of a dry scalp.

This herbal remedy is additionally useful as it is particularly kind to sensitive skin.

Witch hazel may be found in certain herbal shampoos, alternatively why not try mixing one part witch hazel to two parts carrier oil (jojoba, olive or coconut) and massage into the scalp, leave for 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

Baking soda and olive oil

This particular combination is effective in the treatment of dry scalp as the olive oil has moisturizing properties, while the baking soda element boasts antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. This has the overall effect of moisturizing and exfoliating a dry scalp.


Mashed bananas are particularly moisturizing and therefore effective in treating a dry scalp.

To use, massage mashed bananas into the scalp, leave for 5 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is a particularly effective moisturizer with additional anti-inflammatory properties.

This oil can be massaged undiluted into the scalp (it is a carrier oil) – after leaving for a good 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly.


natural ways to treat dry scalp

Avocado is a rich source of mono/polyunsaturated fatty acids which can protect your skin while moisturizing it.

This can be used internally – delicious! – and additionally topically to achieve these positive effects.

To use avocado topically mix it with honey and mashed banana (see above), apply to the scalp and leave for 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

A further natural deep conditioner for nourishing the scalp

To replace natural oils and moisture lost from the scalp why not try a natural deep conditioner?

One suggestion is to apply a deeply conditioning mixture of olive oil and egg yolk to your scalp, leave for 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

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Natural ways to treat dry scalp – itching for relief?

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