health benefits of apple cider vinegar

The apple cider vinegar found in your larder is a particularly versatile culinary ingredient – it can be used in salad dressings and many cooked dishes. It can also be drunk when mixed with water – up to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar/day mixed into a glass of water. But importantly the benefits do not stop here – there are many health benefits of apple cider vinegar related to its properties including antioxidant and antimicrobial effects!

Let’s investigate further.

The amazing natural health benefits of apple cider vinegar

The wonderful health advantages of apple cider vinegar are varied and include the following:

The antimicrobial properties of apple cider vinegar

Vinegars in general, have been used for centuries to clean and disinfect wounds – apple cider vinegar shares such antimicrobial properties.

Research has shown that apple cider vinegar can effectively kill potentially dangerous pathogenic micro-organisms such as E.coli, C.albicans and S.aureus.

Additionally, apple cider vinegar can be an effective treatment for established infections such as ear infection.

Going further, the natural health benefits of apple cider vinegar include the fact that it can be effectively used as a natural food preservative. 

Controlling type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar

One of the most interesting potential uses of apple cider vinegar is in the control of the potentially devastating condition of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is primarily precipitated by high blood sugar level (high glycaemic index) caused by either resistance to insulin or the body’s inability to produce adequate amounts of insulin.

A 2019 study found that the consumption of apple cider vinegar resulted in significant beneficial effects on the glycaemic index and oxidative stress found in type 2 diabetes. A 2021 review confirmed the positive effect on glycaemic index.

It should be noted that these beneficial effects of apple cider vinegar consumption are also of great value in otherwise healthy people in the prevention of high blood sugar.

Boosting your skin health

Your skin normally has a very slightly acidic pH – however this may be imbalanced in aggravating skin conditions such as eczema and dry scalp.

The application of diluted apple vinegar to affected areas of the skin may redress this imbalance through restoring the skin’s natural pH and consequently enhancing its natural function as an effective barrier.

Be sure to appropriately dilute apple cider vinegar prior to skin application.

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

A major predisposing factor to cardiovascular disease is the presence of high blood levels of “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides.

Research has shown the beneficial effect of consumption of apple cider vinegar of reducing blood levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing levels of “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol – effectively helping to balance total blood cholesterol.

Apple cider vinegar and weight loss

An unexpected benefit of apple cider vinegar is its potential association with weight loss.

A 2024 study has shown that a daily consumption of 15ml of apple cider vinegar three times daily for a period of 12 weeks resulted in the following:

• Significant weight reductions of the order of 6-8kg

• Reductions in body fat ratio

• Reduction in body mass index (BMI)

• Reduction in blood sugar (glycaemic index)

• Reduction in blood level of “bad” LDL cholesterol and other fats

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Benefits of apple cider vinegar – a natural health miracle cure?

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