natural ways to treat vertigo

Vertigo is an unpleasant symptom characterized by a disorientating sensation of apparently spinning or moving when you aren’t actually in motion. It is primarily a dysfunction of the balance sensory system within your ears effectively misinforming your brain that you are off balance when you are not. Although certain underlying causes of vertigo will require medical attention, natural ways to treat the symptoms of vertigo can be particularly effective in the relief of many common types of vertigo.

Although the symptom of vertigo may only happen once or result from a number of underlying balance disorders, it should be noted that the most common cause is benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV). This particular condition is caused by the gradual build-up of calcium deposits within the inner ear – which regulates the sensation of balance. Natural ways to treat the symptoms of vertigo are particularly useful in this context.

So, without further ado, let’s look at these natural treatments.

Natural ways to treat vertigo – achieving a sense of balance

If you suffer from vertigo, there are a number of simple exercises (termed manoeuvres) you can try which will give you relief, including the following example:

The Epley manoeuvre

Recent research has shown that the Epley manoeuvre is particularly effective in relieving the symptoms of vertigo associated with the common condition of BPPV. This is great news particularly as this manoeuvre can be performed in the comfort of your own home!

Just follow these simple steps:

• Using a flat surface with a pillow behind you, sit upright with your legs outstretched

• Turn your head to your right by 45°

• Keep your head in this position and rapidly recline so that your head is on the pillow – keep this position for at least 30 seconds

• Next, without raising your neck, turn your head to your left by 90°

• Turn the whole of your body so you are resting totally on your left side

• Slowly revert to your original position – sitting upright and looking forward

Repeat this manoeuvre three times – while doing this you may feel dizzy – it is not a problem.

Ginkgo biloba

natural ways to treat vertigo

Research has found that gingko biloba is effective in the treatment of many kinds of vertigo.

Taking a moderate dose of gingko biloba on a daily basis – obtainable in liquid or capsule form – may indeed lessen your symptoms of vertigo significantly and improve your overall sense of balance.

Managing your stress levels

Stress is a significant underlying factor for conditions such as migraines which are known to cause vertigo. Stress is additionally a contributory factor in debilitating, often long-term, conditions such as insomnia and/or poor-quality sleep – these can also trigger episodes of vertigo.

Prevention, as always, being better than cure, it is of great value to your general well-being to initiate and maintain stress management techniques. These may include the following:

● Improving your time management

● Setting aside time for pleasurable activities

● Visualisation and mental imagery exercises

● Deep breathing exercises


● Listening to relaxing music

● Counselling or therapies (such as cognitive behaviour therapy)

Staying well hydrated

natural ways to treat vertigo

Dehydration is a major causative factor for a multitude of conditions including vertigo – it’s often possible to get rid of the symptom by drinking copious water. Better still, prevent dehydration in the first place by drinking enough water – a great preventive measure.

You may ask – how do you know when you are drinking enough water?

Quite simply pay close attention to the colour of your urine – if it’s very close to clear in colour, you’re well hydrated.

When you are in humid or hot circumstances (and other situations where you may sweat profusely) be sure to increase your water consumption.

Getting the right amount of quality sleep

Not getting enough quality sleep may be a contributory factor to a number of known causes of vertigo – including balance dysfunction and migraines. Having never suffered the condition before, if you are suffering from vertigo be sure to pay close attention to poor sleep patterns (often associated with unacceptable levels of stress.

Be sure to check out our article on improving quality sleep (sleep hygiene).

Vitamin D

A recent study found that a deficiency of vitamin D is connected to worsening symptoms of vertigo associated with BPPV.

Exposure (safe of course!) to sunshine will create vitamin D in the body, however in climates where direct sunlight is often sporadic and unpredictable (the UK being one!) consider vitamin D supplementation or better still, increasing your dietary intake of foods rich in vitamin D – these include:

• Mushrooms

• Bananas

• Spinach

• Fatty fish – salmon being a good example

• Cod liver oil

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Natural ways to treat vertigo – getting your life in balance?

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