natural ways to treat depression

Before considering natural ways to treat depression – just how much of a global problem is this condition?

The World Health Organisation has stated that 5% of the adult population worldwide – amounting to 280 million individuals – have been diagnosed as suffering from depression. The actual figure may be considerably higher as a result of undiagnosed cases.

In the worst cases depression can lead to suicide. A staggering figure of in excess of 700 000 people die through suicide every single year and is the fourth leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds age group.

But never fear! The public-spirited souls of the pharmaceutical industry are beavering away to find lots of answers for this monumental problem.

Unfortunately, such altruism comes at a very heavy price!

According to a recent report, the global antidepressant drugs market grew from $16.44 billion in 2017 to $17.41 billion in 2023 – a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.9%.

It should be clear who are the winners here!

Treating depression – what are these drugs attempting to accomplish and how?

The established view is that depressive illness results from a “chemical imbalance” in the brain – notably deficiencies in neurotransmitters such as serotonin, nor-adrenaline and dopamine. In simple terms antidepressants act to inhibit the re-uptake of these transmitters to enable greater numbers of them to remain active, thereby correcting the deficiencies and the depressive state.

Examples of pharmaceuticals that inhibit neurotransmitter re-uptake are tricyclic antidepressants (TCA), the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the serotonin–norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and others.

Treating depression – what is wrong with the pharmaceutical approach?

On a strictly scientific level this is simplistic, and in any case, as is typical of the pharmaceutical industry in general, does not even consider the causative factors of this distressing condition. Without addressing such precipitating factors as despair resulting from personal environments, demoralising jobs, lack of ambition and motivation, lack of exercise and poor nutrition the symptoms of depression will only be suppressed and not dealt with at root source.

What are natural ways to treat depression without drugs?

There are many natural ways to that can be used to treat depression. It is important to note that these remedies will need a good level of commitment and self-responsibility and should not be seen as a “quick fix”. Many of these are lifestyle changes which are necessary for a healthy balanced mind – clearly infinitely preferable to a lifetime of misery on these awful drugs!

So, these changes include:


Great for alleviating symptoms of depression – do whatever form of exercise that is right for you – this could be dancing, walking, cycling or working out at a gym . Try to find time to do this for at least 30 minutes a day – this makes so much sense for cardiovascular and mental health!

Light Therapy

Ideally get outside into natural light as often as you can to improve vitamin D and serotonin levels. If that is not possible consider purchasing a lightbox that you can use indoors to replicate natural sunlight.

natural ways to treat depression

Healthy Nutrition

This is so important as one’s dietary intake is clearly related to mood. Avoid excessive intake of refined sugar, processed foods and any other known unhealthy options.

Further top tips to get you started are:

• Maintain vitamin B intake

Vitamin B deficiency has been linked to depression as this vitamin is necessary for the production of serotonin and dopamine. Natural sources of vitamin B include dark green leafy vegetables

Increase intake of magnesium

Magnesium is also necessary for the production of serotonin. This may be found in nuts, legumes and whole grains.

Limit your intake of alcohol

You may think that alcohol is a mood improver and relaxant, whereas it is actually a depressant which will increase symptoms of anxiety and depression.


This has been shown to have remarkable benefits in many mental health conditions including depression. Making the effort to refine this practice will enable you to calm your mind which will have a significant impact on mood and any symptoms of depression. It has also been shown to prevent relapse of episodes of depression.

Sufficient quality sleep

 This is so important for one’s health in general. It has been noted in a number of studies that insufficient sleep and depression are closely linked. Try to find ways to create a healthy sleep schedule.

treating depression


A recent review of 23 separate studies concluded that yoga is particularly effective in the reduction and management of the symptoms of depression.

Supplements and herbal remedies

These include:

• ginseng

Ginseng has been used for many years in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to improve mental clarity, energy levels and to reduce stress. It is believed that ginseng may act on listlessness and motivational issues associated with depression.

• St. John’s Wort

This herb is considered to help with feelings of excessive worry and poor sleep and so may be effective in treating depression.

• Lavender

This herb is a relaxant and relieves anxiety. Through its characteristic of improving sleep, it is beneficial in the treating depression.

• Chamomile

This is drunk as a tea and is a gentle natural remedy for the relief of the symptoms of depression.

Spending time amongst nature

Recent research has further demonstrated that the natural environment has many benefits relating to our physical and psychological health. In addition to these cognitive benefits it has also shown distinct emotional benefits and a marked reduction in the symptoms of depression.

Complementary therapies

A number of complementary therapies such as aromatherapy massage may be effective for the management of the symptoms of depression.

Incorporating an increasing number of the above measures into your daily routine will help to keep you naturally free of the misery of depression healthy. This, in turn, will keep you free of the expense and harmful effects of pharmaceuticals.

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Natural ways to treat depression – why antidepressant therapy?

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