Phil Jonnson

Phil Jonsson is a former dental surgeon specializing in mercury-free and naturalistic dentistry.

Since retirement he has realised his dream of living in Italy and now resides there with his wife and five wonderful rescue dogs.

He remains committed to natural and holistic ways to achieve a healthy and balanced life and is keen to inspire others to adopt this wonderful way forward.

And this is he has decided to start this blog. If he can do it, so can you and he is aiming to share what he knows to help you make the changes to your life that you want.

Kate Jackson

Raised by a father who was passionate about animal welfare and nature with a strong belief in the body’s ability to heal itself, I was rarely given medication as a child. Fresh air and a positive “can do, will do” attitude were the remedies I was taught to believe in as well as the importance of maintaining the health of the body’s immune system on a daily basis. We always had at least a dozen rescue animals to look after, so taking to our beds and turning the central heating up when we had colds was not an option. A glass of water and being outside keeping busy were my dad’s answer to headaches and he believed that working up a sweat was a great way to expel toxins from our bodies.  

My dad had a great respect for nature and the environment, as well as all the animals that we share our planet with, which he has passed onto me. I wonder, if he were alive today, what he would think about how the human species is systematically destroying the environment, abusing millions of animals and popping pills for the slightest ailment. I think he would be as distraught as I sometimes feel at seeing how far-removed humans are becoming from being their natural selves. As a species, we no longer need to take care of our immune systems or general health because there is a pill for everything. A pill that has cost the environment dearly in its development and taken the lives of innumerable innocent animals. We don’t need to take care of our health because we have health services to put it right when it all goes wrong. We don’t need to care for our environment because we believe it will always be there, providing everything we need. We don’t need to think for ourselves, assess risks or problem-solve anymore because we have the internet, governments and large corporate businesses to tell us what we should be doing, what is safe and what is not safe to do and how we should be living our lives.  

My awareness of the physical health and the environment led me to develop an interest in mental health as an adult and I have lengthy experience working with people who experience serious mental health issues, as well as running my own psychotherapy practice for a number of years. Again, I found the same issues of fixing problems with pills, containing people who were considered dangerous and keeping them quiet, covering up depression and anxiety disorders with medication instead of helping people get to the core issues that were provoking these conditions and not looking at the root cause of the problems.

Through all of my life experiences – personal and professional – I have come to strongly believe that human beings are moving further and further away from the species they were meant to be, living artificial lives, everything at their fingertips with no respect, regard or understanding of how important every animal, insect, plant, tree and ocean is. We don’t value our health because there will always be someone to fix us. We don’t consider the pain that millions of animals endure because it is easier for us to take a pill when we have a headache or we want to wear nice cosmetics. We don’t think about where our food comes from or the fact that animals are being bred just so we can eat. I wonder how many people would still eat meat if they had to hunt and prepare it themselves? How many people understand how to grow fruit and vegetables, to provide good, healthy food for themselves?

It’s time we got back to being real human beings. To show compassion for the animals that share this planet with us, to know where our food is coming from and to stop destroying the environment because we cannot stop our desire for owning more “things” that we don’t actually need. We need to get back in touch with our bodies, our minds and our spirits – after all, if these three things are in order, we have everything we need for a life of happiness.