health benefits of kale

Before considering the health benefits of kale, what exactly is it?

Kale is a cruciferous vegetable, a member of the cabbage family and is also closely related to broccoli and cauliflower. Although there are many types of kale, in general they may be purple or green in colour with smooth or curly leaves.

What are the health benefits of kale?

The health benefits of kale are numerous and include:

Nutritional value

Kale is truly a nutritional powerhouse – and very much a “super-food” – by virtue of its content of the following essential nutrients:

• Vitamins K, C & A

• Manganese

• Riboflavin

• Calcium – a significantly more bio-assimilable source than dairy

• Traces of folate, potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamin B6

A 2022 study concluded that:

“While being extremely nutrient dense, kale has a relatively low-calorie content (36–98 kcal/100 g). This has made kale one of the super-foods that should be promoted as a healthy alternative to already popular calorie-dense food products.”

Contains powerful antioxidants

Kale contains significantly high levels of antioxidants. These include vitamin C (see below), flavonoids and polyphenols. The flavonoids include the antioxidants quercetin and kaempferol which have been shown in studies to exert a protective effect against:

• Cancer

• Heart disease

• Many other chronic diseases

Lowers blood cholesterol

The liver metabolises cholesterol to form bile acids which are used to break down fats that are within the digestive system. These are subsequently re-absorbed into the bloodstream thereby raising levels of blood cholesterol.

Kale contains substances which bind to bile acids and prevents their re-absorption and therefore lowering the body’s levels of harmful cholesterol. In this instance, it was found that steamed kale is particularly effective.

Contains anti-cancer compounds

Kale is considered to be a rich source of compounds which exert a protective effect against many cancers. These include:

• Sulforaphane – a review paper has shown that this acts by inhibiting the initiation of cancers at the molecular level

• Indole-3-carbinol

Supports eye health

The health benefits of kale include the ability to assist in the prevention of the eye diseases of macular degeneration and cataracts. This is facilitated by its content of the potent carotenoid antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.

Excellent source of vitamin C

Kale is a particularly rich source of the essential vitamin C – far more so than other green leafy vegetables. This vitamin serves many vital functions within the human body including:

• Formation of the protein collage – an essential structural component of skin, muscle, tendon, ligaments and blood vessels

• Wound healing and the formation of scar tissue

• Facilitating the absorption of iron

• Promoting gut health

• Boosting the immune system

In what ways can you enjoy the health benefits of kale?

So, we have seen the multitude of wonderful health benefits of kale – how can you incorporate this amazing vegetable into your diet?

This is surprisingly simple as kale is a relatively versatile ingredient and may be used in the following ways:

• As a salad ingredient

health benefits of kale

• As a snack – kale chips are incredibly easy to make – simply spread out your kale on a baking tray, drizzle olive oil over the kale, sprinkle with salt and bake – delicious and ultra-healthy!

health benefits of kale

• Steamed to complement hot dishes

• As a nutrient boost in smoothies

• Stirred into soups

• As a pesto component

• In stir fries

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Health benefits of kale – why overlook this wonderful super-food?

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