natural ways to prevent strokes

Before getting to natural ways to prevent strokes, it would make sense to define what exactly a stroke is.

A stroke may be defined as a cerebrovascular catastrophe where essential blood flow to the brain cell is disrupted, leading to irreversible brain cell death with the possibility of resultant severe neurological deficits. The condition is primarily caused by a ruptured blood vessel within the brain (haemorrhagic stroke) or a blood clot (ischaemic stroke).

Strokes are categorised as follows:

• Ischaemic stroke – this is the majority

• Haemorrhagic stroke

• Transient ischaemic attack (TIA or “mini-stroke”)

Make no mistake, a stroke may be a catastrophic event leading to permanent and horrifying impacts which may include severe physical disability, difficult in communicating, a loss of work and income and any kind of social networks.

Strokes are the leading cause of worldwide disabilities and are the second leading cause of death.

Natural ways to prevent strokes – the clues are in the causes

When looking at natural ways to prevent strokes, careful consideration has to be given to the risk factors of the condition. The absolute primary risk factor for strokes is high blood pressure. Other important risk factors include the following:

• Smoking

• Lack of physical exercise

• Unhealthy diet

• Alcohol abuse

• A high blood cholesterol level

• Obesity

• Stress

• Depression

• A genetic predisposition

What are the pharmaceutical industry’s answers to strokes?

The pharmaceutical industry, always with a nose for good profit-making lines, quite unsurprisingly has a number of products for this purpose – the main type of drug being a tissue plasminogen activator.

To put it into financial perspective a recent market analysis stated:

“The global tissue plasminogen activator market is estimated to be valued at US$ 2.58 Bn in 2023, and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period (2023-2030).”

This product works by breaking up any formed blood clots – however this has to be administered intravenously within 3 hours after stroke symptoms start.

Alternatively, prevention always being better than cure, it makes sense to ensure it doesn’t happen in the first place.

Let’s consider a number of natural ways to prevent strokes.

Natural ways to prevent strokes – no prescription medicines

Maintain a healthy blood pressure through what you eat

As high blood pressure is a primary causative factor of strokes, it makes sense to start here. The food you choose to eat may have a significant effect on your blood pressure.

Foods you should eat

• Sulphur containing foods – examples include garlic, broccoli, cabbage and onions

natural ways to prevent strokes

• Asparagus – through a natural diuretic effect maintains bodily fluid regulation and management of blood pressure

• Oranges, strawberries and kiwi fruit – these contain high levels of the antioxidant vitamin C – this is important for cardiovascular health

• Celery – being high in levels of the essential mineral potassium – this helps to lower blood pressure

Foods to reduce or avoid

Refined sugars

Processed foods

• Added salt

• Caffeine

Maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels through what you eat

The end goal is to keep LDL-cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) in check while raising levels of HDL-cholesterol (“good” cholesterol). With this in mind, we recommend the following:

Foods you should eat

• Fruits, beans and vegetables – these contain high levels of soluble fibre which supports healthy levels of cholesterol

Nuts and seeds – this raises the intake of healthy essential fatty acids and raises HDL-cholesterol levels

• Cinnamon and turmeric – these wonderful spices are known to lower LDL-cholesterol levels

Foods to reduce or avoid all together

Red meat


• Fried foods

Processed foods

All of these will raise the body’s intake of unhealthy saturated, and in the worst case, trans fats.

The herbal approach

The plant kingdom is a rich source of “nature’s pharmacy” and has many offerings that may naturally reduce the likelihood of strokes – these include the following:

• Hawthorn – the flowers, berries and leaves of the hawthorn plant improve the blood supply of the body and, significantly, reduce blood levels LDL-cholesterol. Hawthorn is often used alongside dandelion leaf – a natural diuretic which helps maintain a normal blood pressure – and stress relieving herbs such as passion flower.

• Bilberry – this is a rich source of antioxidants which maintain blood vessel health.

• Gingko biloba – this potent herb improves the blood supply to the brain and also reduces blood thickness – this inhibits the formation of clots.

Increase your level of exercise

It is a clinical fact that those individuals who are more physically active will have a significantly lowered risk of life-threatening conditions such as cardiovascular disease and strokes.

This does not have to be overly time-consuming – even brisk walking for a couple of hours each week can make a difference!

Ideally aim for moderate intensity exercise at least five times a week for a duration of 30 minutes each time. 

If 30 consecutive minutes to devote to exercise is a problem each day, break it up into 10 – 15 minute sessions.

Consume alcohol in moderation

natural ways to prevent strokes

Drinking alcohol in moderation – for instance one portion per day – is perfectly acceptable. The problems start when your consumption rises above this – leading to a sharp increase in risk.

Top tip – don’t exceed one glass of alcohol per day – ideally make red wine your drink of choice – this may even reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes.

Consider red wine as your first choice, which some studies suggest might help prevent heart disease and stroke.

Quit smoking

Smoking is particularly bad news for cardiovascular health for three primary reasons:

• Smoking raises your blood pressure

• Smoking thickens your blood – promoting the formation of blood clots

• Smoking promotes the build-up of plaque within your arteries – this also promotes clot formation

Stopping smoking is a potent change in lifestyle which will significantly reduce stroke risk (and the risk of a number of serious conditions).

If you are overweight – lose it

Obesity can significantly raise your chances of a stroke – particularly when you consider it also may be complicated by diabetes and high blood pressure (both significant risk factors for stroke).

Treating existing diabetes

Diabetes is a major risk factor for strokes – high blood sugar levels, over time, will irreversibly damage blood vessels which leads to an increased risk of blood clot formation.

It is vital to monitor your blood sugar levels if you have this condition and look for effective ways to control your diabetes or, ideally reverse its progress. This will be achieved primarily through strict dietary control and meaningful exercise.

For further information on natural (drug free) ways to manage (or prevent) diabetes check out our article Natural ways to prevent diabetes – what are they?

Stress management

The risk of stroke is significantly increased by ongoing long-term stress. This kind of stress will result in the increased secretion of the hormones cortisol and glucagon – both of which result in raised blood sugar levels, raised blood pressure and a change in the blood consistency. If this situation becomes long-term there will be an increased chance of blood clot formation and stroke.

The first requirement is an acknowledgement that the stress is real followed by an action plan to achieve stress management. This may be achieved by:

• Mindfulness-based stress reduction

• Yoga

• Meditation

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Natural ways to prevent strokes – beating the silent killer?

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