natural ways to treat acid reflux

Hey guys! In this article we will cover what the condition of gastric acid reflux actually is, how you would know if you’re suffering from it and, of course, essential natural ways to treat acid reflux.

This unfortunate and immensely uncomfortable condition, is where the acidic stomach contents flow the wrong way – in this case back-flowing into the oesophagus. The symptoms of acid reflux may include the following:

• Regurgitation of acidic stomach contents – experienced as a sensation of food or acid in the mouth or throat

Heartburn — this is a particularly common symptom and is experienced as a pain in the chest and upper abdomen

• Nausea

• Pain experienced while swallowing

• Symptoms such as a chronic cough or hoarseness.

Medical intervention typically involves pharmaceuticals aimed at reducing levels of stomach acid – an example of this is the protein pump inhibitor (PPI) class of drugs such as omeprazole – these unfortunately are associated with a raft of potential unpleasant side effects.

Yet again, this approach is totally missing the point of what is causing the condition in the first place – more specifically excess acid, if present, is a symptom not a cause.

With this in mind we present here a number of natural ways to treat acid reflux – ranging from symptomatic measures to lifestyle changes that will prevent the condition in the first place.

Proven natural ways to treat acid reflux – truly the acid test

Manage your weight

Although it is not a hard and fast prerequisite, being overweight is often a predisposing factor to the condition of acid reflux and heartburn.

This is considered to be a predominantly mechanical effect – carrying excess weight in the abdominal region will place an increased pressure on the stomach which may result in the acidic stomach contents backtracking into the oesophagus as an acid reflux.

Be sure to exercise regularly and manage your weight by eating sensibly – this will also remove foods that may themselves trigger acid reflux. (see below)

Avoiding certain foods and drinks

Eating sensibly should also incorporate avoiding known trigger foods that may increase the risk of suffering from acid reflex.

The following foods and beverages should be treated with extreme caution or avoided all together:

Processed and fast foods with a high fat content

natural ways to treat acid reflux

• Fried foods

• Citrus fruits including juices

• Fizzy drinks

• Alcohol

• Chocolate

• Caffeine

• Onions and garlic

• Tomato based products such as ketchup

Top tip – keep a food journal to identify the food culprits that are causing your acid reflux

Eating foods that actually help to prevent acid reflux

So, what foods can actually treat acid reflux. Sadly, no such panacea exists, however positive dietary changes will promote the prevention of the condition in the first place. These include the following:

• A low fat, high protein diet – this will have a twofold effect – prevention of excessive acid production and a feeling of fullness that will prevent eating excessively.

• Eating healthy levels of dietary insoluble fibre – this will promote good digestive transit and additionally promote a feeling of fullness.

 Good sources of insoluble fibre include the following:

 • Whole-wheat flour.

 • Nuts.

 • Beans

• Green beans

• Potatoes

Quitting smoking

natural ways to treat acid reflux

Suffering from gastric acid reflux or heartburn is yet another great reason to consider quitting smoking.

In addition to the plethora of damage done to the body by smoking, the practice may cause damage to the muscular sphincter at the base of the oesophagus which acts to prevent the back-flow of acidic stomach contents. This particular damage will have the effect of causing gastric acid reflux and increasing the number of associated episodes of heartburn.

Exploring the healing potential of herbal remedies

The following herbs and nutritional roots may be used in the symptomatic treatment of gastric acid reflux – primarily because they boast digestive and anti-inflammatory properties which act by the regulation of stomach acid levels:

Chamomile – taken in the form of a tea, this will additionally relieve any nausea and indigestion present

Licorice – the active ingredient is carbenoxolone which is generally protective of the stomach. This wonderful root may be taken as a tea – try the following:

Add 5g of licorice root to ½ litre of water, add to a pot and bring to the boil for 10 minutes, allow to cool and drink up to 2 cups per day

Ginger – once again, taken in the form of a tea – this wonderful health promoting root boasts both anti-emetic and anti-inflammatory properties – both of these will act to prevent the back-flow of gastric acid to the oesophagus.

Try this as follows:

Add 2-3 cm of peeled and grated ginger root to 150 ml of water, add to a pot and bring to the boil for 10 minutes, cool then strain and drink once a day.

Sleeping with your head raised

If you are susceptible to gastric acid reflux, experts recommend ideally sleeping with your head at a level 6-8 inches higher than your feet.

This will physically help in preventing the back-flow of stomach contents to the oesophagus.  

Eating smaller food portions and avoiding lying down

If you are prone to gastric acid reflux, pay particular attention to the way you eat – the following are particularly encouraged:

• Eat smaller portions more frequently will place considerably less pressure on the stomach which will prevent the back-flow of gastric acid. This will additionally have a positive impact on weight management – further preventing acid reflux (see above)

• Avoid lying down after eating

• Eat at least 2 hours before going to bed  

Avoiding tight clothing

natural ways to treat acid reflux

This may sound somewhat simplistic however it may be very effective.

It is known that  wearing of overly tight clothing, particularly where it effects the abdomen, may predispose to episodes of gastric acid reflux. This is through the resultant pressure placed on the stomach.

If you are suffering from acid reflux or heartburn, try to wear looser clothing.

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Natural ways to treat acid reflux – getting sick of it?

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