natural ways to treat allergies

Before considering natural ways to treat allergies it would make sense to define what exactly an allergy is and what causes it.

In simple terms an allergy is a bodily hypersensitivity to an “alien”, but otherwise harmless substance – this is effectively an overreaction and mistaken response of the immune response. As opposed to the normal and protective immune response which protects the body from harmful pathogens, an allergy is directed against a harmless “allergen” such as pollen, insect venom and compounds found in food (such as proteins and gluten).

Allergies are in general not inherited genetically but are an acquired response following an initial inconsequential contact with the particular allergen. At some point the immune system is triggered into developing antibodies to the alien substance.

There are many typical symptoms of an allergic response – these may include:

● Sneezing

● Running nose

● Reddened skin

● Itching

● Hives

● Shortness of breath

This situation may worsen as the immune system of the individual remains in a state of alert which may lead to further allergens being targeted. So-called “cross allergies” may arise in this situation.

What are conventional medicine’s answers to treating allergies?

As you might have guessed, the mainstream treatment of allergies is pharmaceutical – no making the effort to determine underlying factors here. This predominantly involves the use of anti-histamines – treat the symptoms and don’t consider what causes the condition kin the first place!

What’s in it for the pharmaceutical industry you may well ask. The pharmaceuticals used globally each year rake in huge profits for the industry.

Market research sources have stated the following:

“The global allergy treatment market was valued at $24.65 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach $40.36 billion by 2025 – registering a CAGR of 6.3% from 2018 to 2025”

Clearly huge amounts of profit in a growing market – it would appear the allergy situation is expected to worsen with time.

So, if you aren’t inclined to put alien chemicals into your body and wish to find natural ways to treat (or event prevent) allergies, what are the options?

The following will be of immense value:

Natural ways to treat allergies – effective and healthy

Effective natural ways to treat (or prevent) allergies include the following:


Probiotics are live “good” bacteria, that when present within the digestive system in sufficient numbers, not only improve digestive health but also many essential bodily functions including the immune system.

Probiotic supplementation has been shown clinically to reduce bodily inflammation and improve the symptoms of allergies and allergic based conditions such as asthma.

As an alternative to supplements, there are many natural sources of probiotics including fermented foods. (For further details see my article on probiotics)


natural ways to treat allergies

Hypnotherapy has been recognised as being effective in the treatment of the symptoms of allergies, but can it be used to prevent allergies in the first place?

In many cases the answer to this question is a resounding yes.

It has long been known that the mind and body work together in a synergistic fashion. The science of psychoneuroimmunology has established that the, often untapped, power of the mind has the powerful ability to control and influence the immune system and that hypnotherapy can facilitate this.

In practical terms a hypnotherapist guides the individual to connect with their immune system. Using mental images, it is possible to distinguish between harmful and harmless substances (allergens or triggers). Allergens which are typically associated with anxiety are given a positive charge during hypnosis which results in the immune system being gradually reprogrammed.

For further details of this fascinating therapeutic approach be sure to check out are article treating allergies with hypnotherapy.


Quercetin is a potent antioxidant, which is effective in the prevention of cell damage. It suppresses the production of the inflammatory cells and proteins found in an allergic reaction.

Quercetin may be found naturally within the following:

• Apples

• Berries

• Red grapes

• Capers

• Red onions

Alternatively, quercetin may be obtained as a supplement.

Many have found that quercetin is effective as a treatment for allergic rhinitis, asthma and eczema.

Stinging nettle

natural ways to treat allergies

The humble stinging nettle is considered to be one of the most impressive herbal supplements for the relief of the symptoms of allergies.

Clinical research has shown that this particular supplement may reduce the numbers of eosinophil white blood cells which are involved in a typical allergic reaction.

To reap the benefits of this particular nature’s cure it may be drunk as tea or obtained as a supplement.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are termed essential fats – this means they are essential to the body (to build fats) even though the body can’t produce them. For this treason it is essential that they are obtained from the diet.

Examples of foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids include the following:

• Leafy vegetables

• Walnuts

• Flax seeds

• Vegetable oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are termed essential fats – this means they are essential to the body (to build fats) even though the body can’t produce them. For this treason it is essential that they are obtained from the diet.

Examples of foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids include the following:

• Leafy vegetables

• Walnuts

• Flax seeds

• Vegetable oil

An additional role of these fatty acids is inhibiting the synthesis of inflammatory compounds that are a component of allergic reactions.

Vitamin D

A link between vitamin D deficiency and allergic reactions has been clinically established – such conditions include allergic rhinitis, eczema and asthma. This is through the role of this vitamin in the regulation of the immune system cells involved in the allergic reaction and the symptom producing chemicals they may release.

Vitamin D may be obtained in the form of supplements.

Nasal irrigation

natural ways to treat sinusitis

This particular treatment is indicated where your allergic condition includes respiratory symptoms.

This is effectively a nasal saline rinse which has the effect of clearing the nasal passages.

An example of this is the neti pot – this is used to pour a sterile saline solution into one nostril and draining through the other nostril. The procedure is then reversed. This may be performed daily or several times during the day as necessary.

Regular exercise

Fairly simple one this – regular exercise, in addition to a multitude of health benefits, also may be instrumental in significantly decrease the severity of allergic reactions and their associated symptoms.

And last but not least……..

General positive lifestyle changes

The symptoms of allergic reactions may be improved (or indeed prevented in the first place) by making a number of changes to your immediate environment. Effective examples include the following:

• Use an air purifier – a great example is a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter will extract from the air you breathe such potential allergens as dust, pollen and mould

• Avoid cold and dry air whenever possible

Additional measures may include:

• Maintaining good hydration – a state of even mild dehydration may precipitate or worsen allergic reactions

• Limiting stress – this one is a major factor in a large number of chronic conditions including allergies

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Natural ways to treat allergies – a cure for irritation?

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