natural ways to treat alopecia

Hair loss is a natural process – 50-100 hair/day is within normal bounds, particularly so when you consider you have in excess of 100,000 hair follicles. However more rapid hair loss – alopecia – is clearly of greater concern. There are a number of possible underlying causes – androgenetic alopecia being the most common where hormonal levels of androgens are a causative factor. Given the natural processes at play here it makes sense to look for natural ways to treat alopecia by slowing its progress and halting further loss of hair.

Here we’ll look at a complete range of options to achieve this goal naturally.

Natural ways to treat alopecia – gone today and here tomorrow

There are many inexpensive, natural and effective ways to treat alopecia at home including:

Massaging your scalp

natural ways to treat alopecia

Try massaging your scalp with natural oils (see below) and essential oils (see aromatherapy corner below) – research has shown this is effective in stimulating hair growth, improving scalp blood flow and health of the scalp. A further benefit of scalp massage is promoting stress and tension relief – these may be contributing to the original hair loss.

Top tips for effective scalp massage:

• Use your fingertips only – do not use your nails

• Moving across your scalp in small circular motions – use light pressure

• Although open to individual preference, ideally massage you scalp for at least 5 minutes/day

Almond oil

natural ways to treat alopecia

This oil is a rich source of vitamin E – a powerful natural antioxidant that is of particular benefit to skin and hair health.

To use – place a few drops of almond oil and massage into your scalp as outlined in the above section on scalp massage. For maximum benefits be sure to do this on a daily basis to hydrate and nourish hair follicles and restore hair that is damaged.

Apple cider vinegar

One of nature’s wonderful powerhouse cures, apple cider vinegar is also useful in the treatment of alopecia. As a mild acid, apple cider vinegar is effective at maintaining the natural and healthy pH of the scalp balanced, promoting hair growth and hair thickness.

To use, dilute the vinegar in warm water and apply to the scalp once a week as a massage. Once the massage is complete, rinse the scalp with copious warm water.


Biotin – also known as vitamin B7 – is a B vitamin that, in addition to promoting eye and brain function, also boasts well-established benefits to the scalp and hair – specifically improving the condition of hair follicles.

Biotin, as a water-soluble vitamin, is not stored in the body, so it needs to be constantly replenished. It can be readily added to your diet by eating a number of rich sources of biotin, including:

Legumes – examples include beans, peas and lentils

Nuts and seeds – particularly sunflower seeds and almonds

• Sweet potatoes

• Mushrooms

• Bananas


• Avocados

Further vitamins to consider – namely A, C, D, and E

In addition to consuming foods rich in biotin (see above), prevention of hair loss is promoted by a number of other vitamins, notably:

• Vitamin A – integral to the production of natural oils which maintain hair health – find in eggs, vegetables and nuts

• Vitamin C – promotes good blood circulation to the hair follicles – find in citrus fruits, broccoli and peppers

• Vitamin D – stimulates the growth of new hair follicles – find in oily fish, nuts and seeds

• Vitamin E – this powerful antioxidant stimulates hair growth – find in avocados, seeds and nuts

Fish oil

Taking fish oil supplementation may boost your general health and well-being and additionally – through their rich omega-3 fatty acid content – boost the diameter of hair, its density and thereby reduce hair loss.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a effective way of treating alopecia as it contains lauric acid (a natural fatty acid) – this penetrates the hair and prevents protein loss. It additionally enhances the microbiome of the scalp with the resultant effect of improving the natural health of hair follicles and scalp.

To use – massage as described in the above scalp massage section with these additional recommendations:

• If your hair is an oily type, massage coconut oil into your scalp, leave in situ for a few hours then wash it out

• If your hair is a dry type, massage coconut oil into your scalp and leave.

Aromatherapy corner – essential oils

Rosemary oil

Various studies have found that rosemary oil is effective in the prevention of hair loss and the stimulation of new hair growth.

Do not use essential oils such as rosemary oil undiluted – be sure to mix a few drops in a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond oil prior to application to the scalp. Massage this into your scalp as shown in the scalp massage section above, on a daily basis.

Geranium oil

Studies have shown that geranium essential oil has the potential to promote blood circulation to the scalp and additionally accelerate hair growth.

To use geranium oil, it is important to mix it with a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond oil prior to application – in this instance mix 3 drops of geranium oil to 8 drops of carrier oil. Massage into the scalp as shown in the above section on scalp massage.

Lemon oil

Lemon oil has been shown to promote hair growth and maintain a healthy scalp– it contains a bio-active compound, sinapic acid, that is believed to underlie these beneficial effects.

To use, add lemon essential oil to a carrier oil such as almond or jojoba oil and massage into the scalp as indicated in the scalp massage section above.

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Natural ways to treat alopecia – the return of hair bear?

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