natural ways to treat cold sores

So, you are suffering from a cold sore? Firstly, don’t feel at all embarrassed – this is a far more common problem than you might imagine – at least 50% of all people will suffer from a cold sore at least once in their lives. Secondly, don’t rush to your local pharmacist for a chemical solution to the problem – there are a multitude of effective natural ways to treat cold sores.

Cold sores are recurrent viral infections – caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus – which feature blisters or ulcerated areas around the mouth or on the lip.

With no treatment they typically clear within 10 days if there are no aggravating conditions present such as eczema.

However, you may wish to accelerate the healing process – this can involve over the counter and prescription anti-viral medication or natural ways to treat cold sores.

Unnatural ways to treat cold sores – expensive and usually pointless

These can take the form over-the counter antivirals such as docosanol ointment or the nuclear option of prescribed antiviral medications such as acyclovir (Zovirax) – these taking the oral or topical cream forms.

It should be noted that a 2018 review printed in the European Medical Journal found that prescription antivirals such as acyclovir were negligibly more efficient at treating cold sores than a placebo – money well spent then!

So, on the face of it a good reason to look at simple, cost effective and natural ways to treat cold sores.

Natural ways to treat cold sores – simple and effective

Top Tip

For improved efficacy – it is important to apply these treatments EARLY – when symptoms first present!

If you are interested in complementary and natural ways to treat cold sores you have several options to choose from, including:

Apple cider vinegar

natural ways to treat cold sores

Once again, we meet our old friend apple cider vinegar! As verified by research in 2019 this wonderful natural product is particularly effective by virtue of its antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Please be aware that undiluted full strength apple cider vinegar may be a skin irritant – for this reason be sure to dilute it before applying the affected area twice daily.

Essential oils

natural ways to treat cold sores

Studies have found that a wide range of essential oils may inhibit the causative agent of cold sores – the herpes simplex 1 virus. They do this by inhibiting or even preventing viral replication – thus killing the infection.

The essential oils showing antiviral properties are numerous and include:

• rosemary

• peppermint

• tea tree

• clove

• cinnamon

• eucalyptus

• sandalwood

• ginger

• thyme

Kanuka honey

It has long been known that honey in general may be used effectively for treating wounds and skin injuries.

A large clinical trial found that kanuka honey (derived from the manuka tree found in New Zealand) is as effective in treating cold sores as prescription medications such as acyclovir.


Propolis is a resin-like material produced by bees to construct hives. from the buds of poplar and cone-bearing trees. This natural substance has been found to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties – it is an effective natural treatment for cold sores. 

Lemon balm

Research has shown that lemon balm extract (herb of the mint family) exerts an inhibitory effect on the herpes simplex 1 virus. This may be applied topically and is available in capsule form.

Top tips for management of cold sores

Apply natural treatments early when symptoms are first apparent

• Although it is tempting to touch a cold sore or pick at the scab don’t – this will negatively affect the healing process and may spread the virus on yourself, or to others

• Resist the temptation to vigorously was the affected area – this will just irritate the skin further

• For the duration of the cold sore avoid irritating acidic or spicy foods.

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Natural ways to treat cold sores – why be embarrassed?

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