natural ways to treat shingles

Before considering natural ways to treat shingles symptoms, let’s consider exactly what the condition entails.

Shingles is a varyingly uncomfortable condition caused by the varicella zoster virus that lays dormant within the body following a previous chickenpox episode. The virus may reactivate in later life – often following trauma, stress or  

It manifests as pain initially followed by a rash and fluid filled blisters (occasionally associated with fever, light sensitivity and lethargy) – this can happen anywhere in the body, however typically the back or face.

In the management of shingles, it is important to note that there is no cure for the condition and therefore any kind of management will necessarily be symptomatic treatment. The condition typically lasts from 10 days to 6 weeks – the worst (rare) complication being post-infection neuralgia caused by nerve damage.

Despite prophet of doom TV commercials attempting to peddle (yet more) vaccines for this condition, shingles is generally a problem of discomfort and is not dangerous. Statements by such august bodies as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, claiming that 1 in 3 people will suffer shingles at some point in their lives are inflated and misleading – based on extrapolations of suspect statistical data.

As alternatives to antiviral medication, such as acyclovir (with associated side effects), we will consider natural ways to treat shingles symptomatically.

Natural ways to treat shingles – why bother with antiviral medication?

Given that shingles cannot be cured only managed symptomatically it makes sense to consider effective natural ways to treat shingles – these include:

Essential oils

natural ways to treat shingles

A number of essential oils are particularly effective in lessening skin irritation and promoting natural healing – these include:

• Chamomile – this oil has both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties

• Eucalyptus – this oil is anti-inflammatory and promotes healing of sore areas

• Tea tree – both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial – also promotes healing of wounds

It is important to note that these essential oils if applied undiluted may cause skin reactions – for that reason they should be appropriately diluted in gentle carrier oils such as jojoba or almond.

Baking soda

Baking soda, when applied topically, is particularly effective in reducing the symptoms of shingles.

To use baking soda, add one unit of water for every two units of baking soda, mix thoroughly to produce a paste which is applied to the affected area. This is left for 10-15 minutes then rinsed off with cool water.

This can be repeated as many times each day as deemed necessary.

Cold compresses

A true nature’s cure – simply soak a quality cotton towel or cloth with cool water, wring out excess water and apply to the itching and inflamed area. This will result in instant relief – repeat as necessary.

Witch hazel

Witch hazel has been shown to be effective where skin barrier damage and irritating itchiness are present – this being all to true of shingles.

Witch hazel may be obtained in various preparations including topical creams and witch hazel water. Relief from symptoms will be experienced when these are applied topically.

Stress management

Stress is strongly implicated the suppressing immune system function. This has a twofold effect on shingles – it can make you more susceptible the condition in the first place and can aggravate and prolong the symptoms of shingles.

For these (and many other) reasons it is important to initiate and maintain stress management techniques which may include the following:

• Deep breathing exercises

• Visualisation and mental imagery exercises

• Listening to relaxing music

• Meditation

• Counselling or therapies (such as cognitive behaviour therapy)

• Improving time management

• Setting aside time for pleasurable activities

Dietary considerations

A compromised immune system will only worsen the already aggravating symptoms of shingles. To boost your immune system for this and a multitude of beneficial reasons serious consideration should be given to your diet – specifically eating particular foods and avoiding others.

To lessen the symptoms of shingles and facilitate healing, your diet should be specifically rich in the following:

• Vitamins A, B12, C and E

• Lysine – an amino acid

Foods that fulfil the above and promote healing include the following:

• Fruits

• Leafy green vegetables – particularly spinach

• Whole grains


• Beans

Foods to avoid which may suppress the immune system, aggravate the symptoms of shingles and inhibit healing include the following:

• Refined carbohydrates

• Foods with high saturated fat content

• Foods & juices with a high sugar content

• Foods with a high level of the amino acid arginine – these include chocolate and nuts

Homeopathic or herbal remedies

Homeopathic remedies may be considered when treating the symptoms of shingles – these include:

• Arsenicum aklbum

• Apis mellifica

• Iris versicolor

Additionally, consideration may be given to the following herbal medicines that may relieve the symptoms of shingles, including associated insomnia and anxieties:

• St. John’s wort

• Oregano oil

• Echinacea

If you are unfortunate enough to succumb to shingles, try any number of these measures in combination to see what works for you. These measures are generally as effective in the treatment of shingles symptoms as prescription medicines – with the added bonus that they are side effect free!

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Natural ways to treat shingles – who needs antiviral medicines?

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