natural ways to treat sinus infection

Before considering natural ways to treat sinus infection (sinusitis) – what is the condition and what are causes of it?

The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull, situated within the forehead, nasal and cheek bones. A healthy sinus enables air flow and free drainage of healthy mucus.

Problems start when, for whatever reason (such as colds or allergies), the openings to these air-filled cavities become blocked – this will result in a fluid and/or mucus build-up with resultant infection – be it bacterial, viral or fungal.

The symptoms of sinusitis may include the following:

• Cold-type symptoms

• A feeling of facial pain and/or pressure

• Infected nasal discharge

• Nasal congestion

• Headaches (particularly frontal)   

The treatment of choice for sinusitis is generally medication with antibiotics. The problem with this is that, quite typical for pharmaceutical intervention, this is treating the condition without looking at the causes.

Without removing any blockages within the openings of the sinuses and merely treating the resultant infection may result in creating a needless chronic condition.

For this reason, we offer a number of natural ways to treat sinus infection by naturally clearing any blockages present and gently relieving any symptoms present. By these means the body may fight any infection present and remove it.

Natural ways to treat sinus infection – dealing with underlying causes

Natural ways to deal with the symptoms of sinusitis and the underlying causes include the following:

Drinking plenty of water

Suitable and adequate hydration is an integral part of the foundation of natural health. This is especially true when infections are present – drinking lots of water plenty of fluids facilitates overcoming infections and promoting healing.

In the instance of sinusitis, good hydration promotes the strength of the mucous membranes within the sinuses, reduces irritation which can help reduce irritation symptoms, thinning mucus and preventing further infection.

Using a neti pot or alternative nasal irrigators

natural ways to treat sinusitis

Nasal irrigation has been shown in research to be particularly useful for countering blockages causing the sinusitis and additionally easing the painful symptoms. An example of such irrigation is the neti pot with a saline solution – it is widely accepted that this technique can totally eliminate many symptoms of sinusitis.

To use a net pot, the following are general guidelines:

• Fill the neti pot with a saline solution using distilled water

• Incline you head at a 45° angle over a bowl or sink

• With your head at this angle, insert the neti pot spout into the higher placed nostril and slowly pour in the solution

• Repeat the above with the other nostril, having moved your head accordingly

There are a number of other nasal irrigators, providing similar benefits to the neti pot.

Topically applied essential oils

natural ways to treat sinusitis

The topical application of quality essential oils may be effective in the symptomatic treatment of sinusitis. A good example of this is eucalyptus oil – its main constituent (1,8-cineole) is recognised as having a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

The essential oil may be applied topically on the chest or temple region, alternatively it may be added to boiled water and inhaled via a diffuser.

Keeping your sinuses hydrated

Ensuring that your sinuses remain well hydrated is essential for the clearing of any blockages and the relief from the symptoms of pressure. This is vital and may be achieved in a number of ways, including:

• Place a humidifier in your bedroom – this will facilitate the relief of nocturnal nasal blockage

• During the day (as often as necessary) and especially just before bed, use a saline nasal spray    During the day and before bed, use natural saline nasal sprays

• Hot showers

• Steam bowls – great for easing nasal congestion


Rest is a vital part of the healing process and will allow your body appropriate opportunities to fight the sinus infection. For this reason, it is vital to avoid any undue exertion or stress which may delay recovery.

Eating naturally antibacterial foods

Increasing your daily intake of naturally antibacterial foods will boost your body’s ability to fight sinus infection and thereby shortening its duration. Such foods include:

• Garlic

• Ginger

• Honey

• Berries

• Leafy greens

Warm compresses to relieve sinus congestion

The application of a warm, damp towel to the cheeks, eyes and nasal areas will ease any pain associated with sinus infection and, more importantly, will boost the drainage of nasal secretions and facilitate the removal of blockages present.

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Natural ways to treat sinus infection – facing up to reality?

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