natural ways to treat sunburn

With Summer finally here – the opportunities for getting outside and enjoying the sun seem boundless. The downside, of course, seems to be the almost guaranteed and inevitable sunburn. However, all is not lost – we’ll show you natural ways to treat and deal with the symptoms of sunburn, without recourse to chemically synthetic and expensive commercial options!

Sunburn is usually evident 2-6 hours following direct exposure to the sun, often is at its peak with 24 hours and begins to lessen within approximately 48 hours.

A popular misconception is that sunburn is a burn resulting from exposure to the heat of the sun – in actual fact, its effectively a radiation burn from ultraviolet (UV) radiation emanating from the sun. This skin damage is fundamentally inflammation which manifests as burning and itching sensations.

For this reason, any natural ways to treat sunburn symptoms are intended to relieve this inflammation.

Natural ways to treat and relieve sunburn symptoms – what are the options?

There are many effective and natural ways of relieving the misery of sunburn symptoms, including:

Cooling water

Given the fact that sunburn first and foremost is inflammation of that area of the skin, it would make a lot of sense to cool down the affected area.

A simple, however effective, way to do just this is to immerse yourself in cooling water. This is particularly effective if carried out throughout the day by dipping into such bodies of water as the sea, streams or lakes. Alternatively, you can do this at home by immersing yourself in a cool bath as many times as necessary.

Things to avoid:

• Swimming pools – these contain chlorinated water – chlorine is a known skin irritant and may well make the problem worse.

• Applying ice or iced water to the skin – this can further damage your already highly irritated sunburned skin

Drinking plentiful water

natural ways to treat sunburn

In addition to replacing water lost from the body during a day spent exposed to the rays of the sun, adequate rehydration is essential to further the repair of the skin after such exposure.

First rate hydration of the body is an essential requisite of natural bodily health – this is particularly important when the body is repairing and healing.

For further information on good hydration please check out our article on this topic.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a particularly effective source of relief for sunburn symptoms. If you have an aloe vera plant, break off a segment of this succulent plant and apply the gel contained within, directly to the affected area of skin. You will find the soothing relief instantaneous.

If you don’t have access to an aloe vera plant, an alternative is to purchase 100% aloe vera gel (not ointment or lotion) – also apply this topically to the affected areas of skin.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is not only soothing internally – it also has a remarkably soothing effect when applied topically to sunburned skin.

The tea should be prepared as you would usually do to prepare a delicious cup of herbal tea. The tea should then be allowed to cool to room temperature. When the tea is sufficiently cool, use it to moisten a cloth and apply this topically to the affected areas of skin.

Soaking with baking soda and oatmeal

To alleviate the painful misery of sunburn try adding 3 heaped tablespoons and a cup of oatmeal to a bath of cool water – then soak in this for about 20 minutes. This interesting mixture serves to reduce the irritation of sunburn, minimise any damage caused and promote the retention of the skin’s natural moisture.

Please note – do not scrub your skin at any point – make sure to gently dry yourself with a towel.

Wearing loose clothing

natural ways to treat sunburn

When suffering sunburn, haven’t we all wished that our clothing could somehow levitate above our shoulders? This is our body’s way of showing us that it needs room to breathe while it heals from this particular major trauma. Particularly effective as part of the healing process are natural fibres within loose clothing.

Essential Oils

Many essential oils are amazing natural remedies for the symptoms of sunburn. It is important to dilute essential oils within an inert carrier oil such as jojoba oil before applying topically to the affected area. For this purpose, the most commonly used essential oils include the following:

• Lavender oil – in addition to boasting antibacterial and antifungal properties this wonderful oil has soothing qualities that are ideal for treating sunburn

natural ways to treat sunburn

• Sandalwood oil – this oil is antibacterial and is effective at reducing the inflammation of sunburn

• Eucalyptus oil – in addition to providing a numbing effect – ideal for the trauma of sunburn – this oil is additionally antibacterial

Witch Hazel extract

Witch hazel extract (derived from the witch hazel plant) is a rich source of tannins and oils which act on sunburned skin by reducing inflammation and accelerating healing. When applied topically to the affected areas witch hazel extract will give relief from irritating itching and pain.

The final word – don’t overlook moisturizing!

After treatment of mild sunburn using any of the above natural therapies, don’t forget that you will need to regularly apply moisturiser to the affected areas in n order to prevent the spectre of peeling skin.

Be sure to use a dye and scent-free product to avoid any further skin irritation – these are generally labelled “for sensitive skin”.

Please note the natural treatments and therapies outlined on this page are for mild sunburn – for advice on the symptoms and treatment of the serious condition of severe sunburn and what to do about it, go to the very useful Cleveland Clinic information page.

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Natural ways to treat sunburn – not the healthy tan?

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