natural ways to treat yeast infection

Well ladies – this one is not exactly a typical dinner party conversation topic – however this embarrassing problem needs to be dealt with given that the majority of women will experience vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives. So, rather than jumping immediately to natural ways to treat a yeast infection, let’s look at what causes them in the first place, how you know that you have one and the conventional medical approach to treatment of this condition.

A vaginal yeast infection is primarily caused by an overgrowth of a yeast (fungal) form called Candida albicans, which can reside in your mouth, intestines and vagina without any ill effect.  A healthy level of “good” bacteria – particularly Lactobacillus species – (the “microbiome”) within your body will control and keep in check the level of Candida albicans. The problems start when the numbers of these bacteria diminish for any reason creating vaginal dysbiosis, allowing the yeast to overgrow resulting in infection.

So, what factors can compromise the microbiome and create the ideal environment for this kind of yeast overgrowth?

These factors include the following:

• Antibiotic treatment  

• Smoking

• Stress

• Use of vaginal douches

• Synthetic fabric and/or tight clothing and underwear

• Intrauterine devices

What are the common symptoms of vaginal yeast infections?

• Vaginal itching

• Vaginal discharge – white or yellow

• A burning sensation during urination

• Tenderness or swelling in the area

• A rash

What is the conventional treatment for vaginal yeast infections?

As is so often the case, the conventional pharmaceutical approach to this condition fails to consider the underlying factors. Medication typically takes the form of anti-fungal medicine – either taken orally (pills) or applied topically (crams and suppositories). This approach is designed to remove the fungal overgrowth without dealing with what caused it in the first place – in this situation such infections may well become recurrent.

A typical example of an anti-fungal medication is fluconazole. This particular medication may well come with unfortunate side effects – common ones include nausea, diarrhoea, headaches and gastric pain; uncommon and serious side effects may include skin rashes, cardiac arrhythmias and hepatic damage.

The alternatives are natural ways to treat yeast infection – these aim to tackle the fungal overgrowth, treat symptoms gently and provide the resources for a full revival of the microbiome – thus tackling the underlying cause.

Treating root causes – a no-brainer – or so you would have thought!

Natural ways to treat yeast infections – the rational way forward

Live yogurt

natural ways to treat yeast infection

Probiotic “friendly” bacteria within the body boast an extensive range of health benefits including protection against and treating Candida albicans infections. Live yogurt is a rich source of such bacteria – an example being Lactobacillus acidophilus – therefore may be deemed a probiotic.

These wonderful bacteria may generally promote a healthy vaginal environment and specifically in the case of vaginal yeast infections help to reverse such an overgrowth by restoring balance.

Live yogurt may be used in the following ways:

• Eating yogurt – this radically improves the gut microbiome and reduces bodily yeast

• Applying yogurt to the vulva

• Inserting the yogurt vaginally

It is important to note that any yogurt used for this purpose must be free of flavourings, fruit or sugar – this can promote further growth of Candida albicans.

For further information on the amazing health benefits of probiotics be sure to go to our article on the topic.

Probiotic foods and supplements

Restoring the good bacteria-yeast balance is essential when treating vaginal yeast infections and preventing their recurrence.

This may be achieved topically (see above) and by taking in probiotics (supplementary good bacteria) orally – either as supplements or within probiotic foods.

For further details on the healthy giving wonders of probiotics be sure to check out our article on this topic.

Coconut oil

natural ways to treat yeast infection

The numerous health benefits of coconut oil include distinct anti-fungal properties. Particularly relevant to vaginal yeast infections is the fact that research has shown that coconut oil is especially effective against Candida albicans.

When used as a treatment for vaginal yeast infections be absolutely sure to purchase a pure and organic product – this may be applied topically to the area affected.

Oregano oil

To treat vaginal yeast infections, it is best to source oregano oil derived as an extract of wild oregano (Oreganum vulgare). Research has shown that this particular oil is effective in suppressing the growth of Candida albicans.

This oil should be diluted 5 drops to one ounce of carrier oil (such as olive or almond oil) and applied topically to the skin or inhaling by means of an essential oil diffuser.

Do not apply this oil directly to the vagina.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil boasts antifungal properties.

Tea tree oil may be applied topically – be sure to dilute this oil within an inert carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil – or as a vaginal suppository.

Research has shown that a combination of tea tree oil suppositories and probiotics is particularly effective at killing fungal infection.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural antiseptic that is known to be effective against yeast forms – in fact vaginal Lactobacillus species produce their own hydrogen peroxide which has this effect.

Hydrogen peroxide may be applied topically to the area – diluted 1:1 with distilled water. Alternatively, it may be added to a lukewarm bath full of water.

A note of caution – never use hydrogen peroxide as a douche or take it internally.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a potent immune system booster with a particularly important role in skin/mucosal health and additionally boasts antimicrobial characteristics.

To fight a yeast infection be sure to significantly increase your intake of vitamin C.

Vitamin E

Research has shown that vitamin E may be effective in the relief of vaginal inflammation, particularly that caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans.

This may be used in the form of suppositories or applied topically in the form of vitamin E oil.


Research has shown that garlic is effective in preventing growth of Candida albicans.

To exploit this benefit, add significantly more garlic to your diet – this will have the effect of reducing the yeasts forms throughout the body including the vagina.

Do not be tempted to apply garlic topically to the affected area as it may have a burning, irritant effect.

Apple cider vinegar

This wonderful product boasts many health-giving properties – in this context it is truly effective amongst natural ways to treat yeast infection.

Just add a ½ cup of apple cider vinegar to a bath full of mildly warm water and soak in this for a good 20-30 minutes. This is a gentle but effective of eliminating yeast organisms.

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Natural ways to treat yeast infection – itching for a cure?

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