nutritional benefits of quinoa

Before considering the wonderful nutritional benefits of quinoa, what exactly is it?

Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is the name for the edible seeds of a particular grain crop. Although it is generally categorised with cereal grains, it is in fact a seed that is prepared and consumed in a similar way to a grain. Other examples of these “pseudo-cereal grains” are amaranth and buckwheat.

Quinoa is particularly versatile and may be incorporated into savoury or sweet dishes.

What are the nutritional benefits of quinoa?

Quinoa is a plant-based nutritional powerhouse with a multitude of associated natural health benefits including:

Having an exceptional number of essential nutrients

Quinoa contains a broad range of essential and health-giving nutrients such as:

• Protein

• Fat

• Carbohydrate

• Fibre

• Folate

• Vitamins – B6 and E

• Essential minerals – copper, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous

Contains potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant plant compounds

The health effects of nutritious plant-based foods often go far beyond such obvious nutrients such as minerals and vitamins.

Quinoa contains a number of such plant compounds which are beneficial to general health in a number of ways.

Examples of these compounds are the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol which are found in quinoa. These both have potent anti-inflammatory properties and act as antioxidants within the body, thereby giving protection against unstable and damaging free radicals at the cellular level.

Such protection against free radicals by the consumption of flavonoid-rich plant-based foods promotes general health and affords protection against diseases.

Nutritional benefits of quinoa – a high fibre content

Quinoa boasts an exceptional content of fibre – 78% being insoluble and 22% soluble – the content being significantly higher than many popular grains, such as brown rice.

The high fibre content is particularly healthy for your digestive health as regular bowel movements are promoted. The fibre content additionally and acts as a prebiotic by providing nutrition for the healthy and beneficial bacteria within the gut.

The high fibre content is also beneficial for weight maintenance as its consumption promotes a useful feeling of fullness.

Excellent source of protein

For those who claim that a vegan diet is a protein deficient one should be pointed in the direction of quinoa! The nutritional benefits of quinoa include it being considered a “complete protein”.

The human body is incapable of producing nine specific amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and can only obtain them from the diet. These are termed “essential amino acids”.

Quinoa is one of a handful of plant-based products that can provide all nine of these amino acids – it is therefore a “complete protein”. Quinoa is therefore an excellent means of acquiring sufficient protein to meet your daily requirements.

Promotes metabolic health

Respected studies have shown that the regular consumption of quinoa promotes human metabolic health and therefore the maintenance of good (pharmaceutical-free) health in general.

A study in 2020 found that quinoa had the effect of significantly reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol, total cholesterol and overall body weight of the participants.

It has additionally been determined that dietary quinoa may have the following beneficial effects:

Regulation of blood sugar

• Digestive fullness

• Lowering blood triglyceride levels

It is however, important to note that to maintain good health (and decreasing the risk of disease) quinoa should be seen as a component of a healthy diet – in conjunction with nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruit and legumes.

nutritional benefits of quinoa

For a true appreciation of the versatility of this wonderful plant-based food look out for a forthcoming article on preparation of quinoa featuring a number of savoury and sweet recipes!

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Nutritional benefits of quinoa – can they boost your natural health?

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