treating allergies with hypnotherapy

Before considering the effectiveness of treating allergies with hypnotherapy, let’s turn our attention to what they are and what causes them in the first place.

Essentially an allergy is a hypersensitivity to an “alien”, but otherwise harmless substance, which is effectively an overreaction and mistake of the immune response. Unlike the normal and protective immune response which protects the body from harmful pathogens, an allergy is directed against a harmless “allergen” such as pollen, insect venom and compounds found in food (such as proteins and gluten).

Allergies are generally not inherited genetically but are acquired following an initial inconsequential contact with the allergen. At some point the immune system is triggered into developing antibodies to the substance.

The typical symptoms of an allergic response may include:

● Sneezing

● Running nose

● Reddened skin

● Itching

● Hives

● Shortness of breath

● In the most severe cases anaphylactic shock

Following the allergic reaction, the immune system of the individual remains in a state of alert leading to further allergens being targeted. So-called “cross allergies” may arise in this situation.

Hypnosis, as we will see, can indeed halt this cycle and may actually reverse the process.

The pharmaceutical industry, forever following the trails leading to immense profit, are on hand to provide all manner of products to “treat” the symptoms of allergies.

Just how profitable are allergy pharmaceuticals when considered globally? Market research sources have stated the following:

“The global allergy treatment market was valued at $24.65 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach $40.36 billion by 2025 – registering a CAGR of 6.3% from 2018 to 2025”

Clearly huge amounts of profit in a growing market – it would appear the allergy situation is expected to worsen with time.

The pharmaceutical front line in allergy treatment

Allergies are generally medically treated with anti-histamines (to counter the release of histamines) and corticosteroids (to reduce swelling and redness).

We will now look at these pharmaceutical treatments of choice.

Intranasal/inhaler corticosteroids  

treating allergies with hypnotherapy

Corticosteroids act by affecting both the early and late inflammatory responses to allergens by inhibiting inflammation promoting enzymes, the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and lymphocyte proliferation.

Side effects

In addition to the well documented potentially damaging consequences of the long-term use of even low doses of steroids, these include:

•  Prolonged burning/stinging within nose after use of spray

•  Sneezing

•  Throat irritation

•  White patches or sores of the nasal lining

•  Nosebleeds or bloody mucus

•  Eye pain

•  Blurring or gradual deterioration of vision leading to blindness

•  Inflammation of the eye or eyelid lining

Oral and intranasal antihistamines

These act, by inhibiting the effects of histamine which is released as part of the body’s immune response to a perceived allergen. There are two main types of histamine receptors – H-1 and H-2. Antihistamines act by binding to, and thereby, blocking H-1 receptors.

Side effects

These pharmaceuticals feature an array of potential unpleasant effects including:

•  Mydriasis – dilation of the pupil of the eye

•  Sedation

•  Dryness of the eyes

•  Dryness of the mouth

•  Constipation

•  Urinary retention

So how may treating allergies with hypnotherapy circumvent the need for these potentially toxic pharmaceuticals and improve the lives of sufferers?

Treating allergies with hypnotherapy – how does it work?

Primarily hypnotherapy acts to break the classic conditioning of an allergic reaction cycle of perceived attack and the resultant defence. Initially this happens by calming the system with resultant relaxation of the individual. This may result in:

• improvement in breathing of the asthmatic

• cessation of the itching of dermatitis

• cessation of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as a running nose and itchy/watering eyes

treating allergies with hypnotherapy

This is achieved by the different state of consciousness achieved during hypnosis where the attention may be controlled. This aids perception of positive images and emotions and the ability to block out unpleasant sensations.

Hypnosis therefore corrects incorrect programming and thereby breaks the cycle of excitement → anxiety → allergy.

Allergic reactions are often associated with a feeling of helplessness often resulting in panic. This in turn leads to the allergic reaction becoming stronger. The process of hypnotherapy leads to feelings of calmness, security and ultimately peace. This sets in motion a positive cycle which gradually dismantles conditioning.

This raises the question – can this natural therapy take this further and actually prevent the allergic process in the first place?

Can allergies actually be prevented using hypnotherapy?

So far, we have considered the treatment of the symptoms of allergies with hypnotherapy, but can this treatment modality be used to prevent allergies happening in the first place?

The short answer is yes, as the mind and body work together in a synergistic manner. It has long been recognised by the science of psychoneuroimmunology that the power of the mind can control and influence the immune system and that hypnotherapy can facilitate this function.

In practical terms, the hypnotherapist guides the individual to get in touch with their immune system. Using mental images, it is possible to distinguish between harmful and harmless substances (allergens). Allergens which are typically associated with anxiety are given a positive charge during hypnosis which results in the immune system being gradually reprogrammed.

For further information go to the National Council for Hypnotherapy site.

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Treating allergies with hypnotherapy – a remarkable holistic therapy?

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